Bike & barge: Mannheim to Speyer

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Today's destination, Speyer cathedral, was one of my favorites. Today was also one of the nicer rides, once we got to the bike path in the parkland along the Rhine. In order to get to it, we had to plow our way through Mannheim and find a way across the throat of the main train station with only these instructions: "Depending on the mooring place of your ship, from the pier, follow the way that changes into Stephanufer". Here Wego again came to the rescue, taking us through a bike tunnel next to the train station.
Bikes lined up on the bank ready to depart Mannheim
Once we passed the RR tracks it was smooth sailing to the very large parkland along the Rhine.
Approaching a ferry that will take us to the left bank (west) of the Rhine.
A rest spot in the shade after exiting the ferry
Looking back at the ferry landing
The towers of the Speyer Cathedral are visible a long way away. The sign points out a feature of Austria and Germany. Where ever two or three are gathered together, there you will find a beer garden. This time it's a riding stable.
Front of the Speyer cathedral. It's claim to fame is that it dates from the 11th century and is the finest remaining example of Romanesque architecture. Romanesque came before Gothic with its gothic arches and flying buttresses to hold every thing up. As Romanesque churches became taller and larger, the walls had to get thicker and thicker.
The nave Looking towards the main altar.
The nave Looking towards the choir loft and organ. I'm not sure Romanesque churches had their choir in the back like this.
The "main" altar in the crypt below the main church. There were about 10 side altars.
Burial vaults in the crypt. Among others buried here were all 4 Holy Roman emperors of the Salian dynasty, Konrad II, Henrys III, IV, and V, and the wife and daughter of Frederick Barbarosa. Frederick himself drowned while on a crusade, so missed out on the opportunity to be buried here.
Samples of the variety of architechture along the main street of Speyer, including what is called Fachwerk in German or half-timber in English
Speyer's waterfront also contained several nice outdoor restaurants. This would be the last time. The last two docking locations were in industrial type ports. There was a steady stream of cyclist crossing the bridge, but no cars because of construction.
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